Way back in February 2019 I took part in a podcast focused on Tourette’s Syndrome, aptly named, Tourettespod. My episode aired in June. And I have to say it was worth the wait! Ben, the creator of the Tourettespod does an all round amazing job at interviewing and editing these episodes. He’s about to roll out Season 4 as I write this. I highly recommend you have a listen to some of these episodes, there’s so many colourful people with interesting life stories and opinions. The vast majority are family friendly, mine is too.
I think it’s fair to say that disability makes for some awesome stories and amazing opinions.
I plan to write some content for the Tourettespod in the future when I have some time.
I can’t recommend this podcast enough. It’s available on Google Podcasts, ITunes, Spotify and Libsyn and well and all sort of other places.
Here’s the link directly to my episode:
(You may need to manually copy and paste the link to your browser). Blog is still new, perhaps.
If you do take the time to listen, I hope you enjoy it!
Tic loud and proud.